How to analyse product replenishment

By identifying products that are regularly replenished and contacting customers when they are running low via replenishment emails, you can generate extra sales.

How to analyse product replenishment
Picture by Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels.
21 minutes to read

Subscription commerce was all the rage for a while, but it’s not really become as popular as many in ecommerce perhaps envisaged. While we may have subscriptions for certain things, most of us have continued to buy consumable products in the same way - by replenishing them whenever we run out.

Online retailers are wise to this common behaviour, and many create specific product replenishment email campaigns to target such customers. According to some marketing studies, these product replenishment emails can have the highest click through rates of any marketing automation emails, so they’re worth adding to your email marketing arsenal.

Product replenishment email campaigns

Product replenishment emails aim to contact each customer just before they are due to replenish a given product and give them with a gentle reminder to buy some more before they run out. They work because they’re timely and relevant. However, replenishment campaigns are harder to get right than you might first imagine, because customers all behave in slightly different ways.

Volume purchased Customers who buy a product in bulk may well need to stock up again less frequently than those who purchase smaller quantities more frequently. Similarly, an individual customer who usually purchases, say, a 2kg pack of protein powder which lasts them a week, might not need to purchase again at their usual interval if their last order was for a 10kg sack.
Consumption rate Different people have different rates of product consumption, so they won't all replenish their products at the same rates. The mean time to replenish a given product might be 30 days, but some customers will use the product more quickly and need to replenish weekly, while for others their pack could last them months.
Seasonality Replenishment rates can also be seasonal. Certain products get replenished only during certain seasons. For example, you might mince pies several times in the run up to Christmas, but try finding them in the summer...
Product type Some products are just not replenished. For example, electrical appliances and gadgets tend to have a longer lifetime and customers rarely need more than one. By the time the product requires replacement, it's usually obsolete and has to be replaced with an alternative of the same general type.

In this project, I’ll show you how you can use Pandas to calculate product replenishment rates for each of your products and calculate the average time it takes customers to replenish them. For simple products, the data could be used as-is to power basic product replenishment campaigns, but they also serve as the raw features for product replenishment campaign models.

Load the packages

First, open a Jupyter notebook and import the pandas, numpy, and seaborn packages. You’ll likely already have these installed, but if you don’t you can install them via the PyPi package manager by entering pip3 install package-name in your terminal or !pip3 install package-name in a cell in your Jupyter notebook.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(15, 6)})

Load the data

Next, load up your dataset of transaction items. I’m using the Online Retail dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. This is widely used for demonstrations in ecommerce data science and includes a wide range of regularly purchased items from an online retailer selling party supplies. This includes a number of items that regularly get repurchased.

To tidy up the data, I have renamed the columns, and importantly, I have ordered the data in descending order of the order_date column. If you miss this vital step, you’ll get nonsensical results, since everything we’re doing relies on the data being ordered chronologically.

df = pd.read_csv('online_retail.csv', 
                 names=['order_id', 'sku', 'description', 'quantity', 'order_date', 'unit_price', 'customer_id', 'country'], 
                 skiprows=1).sort_values(by=['order_date'], ascending=False)
order_id sku description quantity order_date unit_price customer_id country
541908 581587 22138 BAKING SET 9 PIECE RETROSPOT 3 2011-12-09 12:50:00 4.95 12680.0 France
541901 581587 22367 CHILDRENS APRON SPACEBOY DESIGN 8 2011-12-09 12:50:00 1.95 12680.0 France
541895 581587 22556 PLASTERS IN TIN CIRCUS PARADE 12 2011-12-09 12:50:00 1.65 12680.0 France
541896 581587 22555 PLASTERS IN TIN STRONGMAN 12 2011-12-09 12:50:00 1.65 12680.0 France
541897 581587 22728 ALARM CLOCK BAKELIKE PINK 4 2011-12-09 12:50:00 3.75 12680.0 France

Remove zero-value order lines

The second important thing we must do is ensure that any zero-value order lines, such as returns or free gifts, are removed from the dataset. An item that arrived damaged or was faulty and has been replaced free of charge shouldn’t be confused with a genuine replenishment of the product, so this step is critical. I’ve done this twice - once using unit_price and once using quantity and then have checked the aggregate statistics using describe().

df = df[df['unit_price'] > 0]
df = df[df['quantity'] > 0]
quantity unit_price customer_id
count 530104.000000 530104.000000 397884.000000
mean 10.542037 3.907625 15294.423453
std 155.524124 35.915681 1713.141560
min 1.000000 0.001000 12346.000000
25% 1.000000 1.250000 13969.000000
50% 3.000000 2.080000 15159.000000
75% 10.000000 4.130000 16795.000000
max 80995.000000 13541.330000 18287.000000

Calculate each customer’s previous order date for each SKU

In order to calculate the average replenishment time for each SKU, our first step is to calculate the replenishment date for each customer-SKU combination. To do this, we’ll use the Pandas groupby() function and will pass it both the customer_id and the sku. We’ll then append the order_date column and use the shift() function to get the previous value from the order_date column using -1.

df['previous_sku_order_date'] = df.groupby(['customer_id', 'sku'])['order_date'].shift(-1)

To check that the date of each customer’s previous order for each SKU has been calculated correctly, we can filter our dataframe to look at a specific customer-SKU combination. Customer 12680 has purchased the SKU 22728 three times, first on August 18th 2011, then on September 27th 2011, and finally on December 9th 2011. For each purchase, we’ve correctly assigned the date of the previous order to the previous_sku_order_date column, and have a NaN when the purchase was a customer’s first for the given SKU.

df[(df['customer_id']==12680) & (df['sku']=='22728')].sort_values(by='order_date', ascending=True)
order_id sku description quantity order_date unit_price customer_id country previous_sku_order_date
305794 563712 22728 ALARM CLOCK BAKELIKE PINK 4 2011-08-18 15:44:00 3.75 12680.0 France NaN
362787 568518 22728 ALARM CLOCK BAKELIKE PINK 4 2011-09-27 12:53:00 3.75 12680.0 France 2011-08-18 15:44:00
541897 581587 22728 ALARM CLOCK BAKELIKE PINK 4 2011-12-09 12:50:00 3.75 12680.0 France 2011-09-27 12:53:00

Calculate the number of days to replenishment

Next, we’ll create a function to calculate the number of days between each of a customer’s orders of a given SKU. This takes three values: the original dataframe, the “before” date, and the “after” date. It then calculates the time delta - or the time difference between the two dates - and returns the number of days as an integer, that we can then assign to a new column.

def get_days_since_date(df, before_datetime, after_datetime):
    """Return a new column containing the difference between two dates in days.
        df: Pandas DataFrame.
        before_datetime: Earliest datetime (will convert value)
        after_datetime: Latest datetime (will convert value)
        Days since previous date. 
    df = df.copy()
    df[before_datetime] = pd.to_datetime(df[before_datetime])
    df[after_datetime] = pd.to_datetime(df[after_datetime])

    diff = df[after_datetime] - df[before_datetime]
    return round(diff / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')).fillna(0).astype(int)

To run the function we simply pass in the values and assign the output to a new column in our original dataframe called days_since_previous_sku_order. Running the sample() function returns a sample set of rows, so we can check that the function has worked correctly.

df['days_since_previous_sku_order'] = get_days_since_date(df, 'previous_sku_order_date', 'order_date')
order_id sku previous_sku_order_date days_since_previous_sku_order
192073 553390 22705 NaN 0
487136 577768 90165B NaN 0
359404 568188 23326 NaN 0
382126 569898 21787 NaN 0
116800 546306 22308 NaN 0

Calculate aggregate statistics on product replenishment

Since certain items are rarely, if ever, replenished, we also need to calculate some product-level data to identify replenishment rates across the product catalogue. We wouldn’t want to inadvertently contact a customer to tell them their TV is running out, when it’s a non-replenished item… Instead, we’d likely want to mark these as non-replenished items that we ignore from our campaigns.

Arguably, there’s also a difference between something that is replenished because it runs out (i.e., protein powder, coffee, or dog food) and something that is repurchased because it’s needed again for a completely different purpose (i.e., batteries for a new product). However, figuring this out is likely to be something that may require human input.

To calculate these data we’ll create a helper function called get_replenishments() to which we’ll pass our dataframe of transactional items. We’ll first calculate the number of times each SKU has been purchased by each customer and store it in the dataframe. Then, we’ll count the number of times it’s been purchased once only.

Next, we’ll create an aggregation containing the SKUs from the dataframe and calculate a range of metrics for each one. Then we’ll join the selected fields from our original transaction items dataframe back to the SKUs dataframe and return the output.

def get_replenishments(df):
    df['times_purchased'] = df.groupby(['sku', 'customer_id'])['order_id'].transform('count')
    df['times_purchased'] = df['times_purchased'].fillna(0).astype(int)
    df['purchased_once'] = df[df['times_purchased']==1].groupby('sku')['order_id'].transform('count')
    df['purchased_once'] = df['purchased_once'].fillna(0).astype(int)
    df_skus = df.groupby('sku').agg(
        total_customers=('customer_id', 'nunique'),
        total_orders=('order_id', 'nunique'),
        total_quantity=('quantity', 'sum'),
        avg_quantity=('quantity', 'mean'),
        avg_price=('unit_price', 'mean'),
        avg_replenishment_days=('days_since_previous_sku_order', 'mean'),
        std_replenishment_days=('days_since_previous_sku_order', 'std'),
        max_replenishment_days=('days_since_previous_sku_order', 'max'),
    df_skus['orders_per_customer'] = df_skus['total_orders'] / df_skus['total_customers']
    df_skus['items_per_customer'] = df_skus['total_quantity'] / df_skus['total_customers']

    df_subset = df[['sku', 'purchased_once']].sort_values(by='purchased_once', ascending=False)
    df_subset = df_subset.drop_duplicates('sku', keep='first')
    df_skus = df_skus.merge(df_subset, on='sku', how='left')
    df_skus['total_replenishments'] = df_skus['total_orders'] - df_skus['purchased_once']
    df_skus['replenishment_rate'] = df_skus['total_replenishments'] / df_skus['total_orders']
    return df_skus

Running the function and sorting the data in descending order of total_replenishments shows us a range of products that are regularly purchased repeatedly by customers. While this is useful for powering our replenishment campaign emails, it’s potentially also worth looking at how we might be able to acquire customers more likely to purchase these SKUs, since they’re likely to have good customer lifetime values with this level of repeat purchasing.

df_skus = get_replenishments(df)
df_skus.sort_values(by='total_replenishments', ascending=False).head(20)
sku total_customers total_orders total_quantity avg_quantity avg_price avg_replenishment_days std_replenishment_days max_replenishment_days orders_per_customer items_per_customer purchased_once total_replenishments replenishment_rate
3387 85099B 635 2089 48474 22.951705 2.485459 27.729640 47.914234 326 3.289764 76.337008 321 1768 0.846338
3407 85123A 856 2198 37660 16.626932 3.116949 32.940397 55.590776 365 2.567757 43.995327 432 1766 0.803458
1310 22423 881 1988 13879 6.881011 13.976926 28.187407 53.463092 355 2.256527 15.753689 547 1441 0.724849
175 20725 532 1565 19553 12.258934 2.127373 29.196238 47.193996 305 2.941729 36.753759 253 1312 0.838339
2670 47566 708 1685 18295 10.723916 5.794273 21.480657 39.548225 307 2.379944 25.840395 420 1265 0.750742
1109 22197 407 1392 56921 39.916550 1.042468 24.587658 47.259088 357 3.420147 139.855037 194 1198 0.860632
1276 22383 434 1284 12552 9.466063 2.160392 27.868024 45.716550 301 2.958525 28.921659 199 1085 0.845016
3194 84879 678 1455 36461 24.486904 1.722290 33.314305 56.257717 364 2.146018 53.777286 373 1082 0.743643
177 20727 458 1273 12240 9.216867 2.098479 28.236446 49.529678 351 2.779476 26.724891 220 1053 0.827180
1279 22386 372 1218 21465 17.338449 2.596115 23.790792 43.689494 287 3.274194 57.701613 205 1013 0.831691
908 21931 333 1184 13654 11.406850 2.744837 22.206349 43.616718 297 3.555556 41.003003 186 998 0.842905
3914 POST 331 1126 3150 2.797513 31.076581 32.924512 44.244217 322 3.401813 9.516616 142 984 0.873890
1593 22720 640 1385 7493 5.355969 5.829292 26.709793 54.632458 334 2.164062 11.707812 412 973 0.702527
2056 23203 505 1231 20503 16.415532 2.274668 21.392314 33.670773 208 2.437624 40.600000 264 967 0.785540
1298 22411 375 1175 12602 10.589916 2.683807 21.716807 44.582990 337 3.133333 33.605333 224 951 0.809362
439 21212 635 1320 36419 26.583212 0.758431 23.559124 53.346187 339 2.078740 57.352756 429 891 0.675000
178 20728 479 1150 11817 10.065588 2.059353 26.731687 46.744654 294 2.400835 24.670146 269 881 0.766087
1275 22382 490 1157 10464 8.875318 2.008473 28.381679 51.915599 357 2.361224 21.355102 283 874 0.755402
2866 82482 410 1100 9006 8.106211 3.101656 27.913591 51.779763 356 2.682927 21.965854 230 870 0.790909
1599 22727 388 1051 7815 7.276536 4.389050 31.699255 56.129841 350 2.708763 20.141753 193 858 0.816365

Examine correlations with replenishment time

Finally, just to sanity check our data and see if the assumptions we made earlier are correct, we can run a Pearson correlation on the dataframe of SKU-level data. Before doing this, it’s worth zero-filling any inf values. You can also plot the outputs to see how the data are correlated.

df_skus = df_skus.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).fillna(value=0)
avg_replenishment_days    1.000000
std_replenishment_days    0.919889
max_replenishment_days    0.800298
total_customers           0.597277
total_orders              0.587021
purchased_once            0.563462
total_replenishments      0.560351
total_quantity            0.385017
replenishment_rate        0.193493
items_per_customer       -0.009193
avg_quantity             -0.012034
orders_per_customer      -0.020139
avg_price                -0.022023
Name: avg_replenishment_days, dtype: float64
sns.heatmap(df_skus.corr(), annot=True, cmap="Blues")

Product replenishment campaign correlation analysis

We now have a SKU-level dataset that identifies the products that are regularly replenished, and those that are not, so we can select or exclude them from our email marketing campaigns. Some retailers do use a metric such as avg_replenishment_days to estimate when a customer is likely to purchase a product again. However, the most accurate solution is likely to come from the creation of a product replenishment campaign model.

Replenishment campaign models typically use multiple linear regression and require a range of features to generate more accurate, personalised predictions. These features could include the SKU-level data above, plus the details on each individual customer-SKU relationship. With these data, they can then be trained to predict the number of days until each customer is likely to replenish their product.

Matt Clarke, Saturday, June 05, 2021

Matt Clarke Matt is an Ecommerce and Marketing Director who uses data science to help in his work. Matt has a Master's degree in Internet Retailing (plus two other Master's degrees in different fields) and specialises in the technical side of ecommerce and marketing.