How to compare time periods using the Google Search Console API

Learn to use EcommerceTools to query the Google Search Console API with Python and compare two time periods.

How to compare time periods using the Google Search Console API
Picture by Burst, Pexels.
5 minutes to read

One common task you’ll perform in Google Search Console is to compare the data from two different time periods to see how impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), or average position have changed over time.

If you’re getting your search engine optimisation right, and you haven’t fallen foul of one of Google’s many algorithm updates, then you’ll hopefully see the metrics trending in the right direction.

Since most data scientists, and now many SEOs, work in Python, it makes sense to be able to query your data using the Google Search Console API and display and manipulate your web metrics in this environment, something that’s made much easier using EcommerceTools.

In this simple project, I’ll show you how you can query two time periods using the Google Search Console API using EcommerceTools and generate a Pandas dataframe showing the changes.

Load the packages

We’ll only need to install one package for this project - EcommerceTools. This is my Python data science toolkit for those who work in ecommerce and marketing, which allows you to perform a wide range of common tasks.

You can install EcommerceTools via PyPi by entering the command !pip3 install --upgrade ecommercetools in a cell in a Jupyter notebook. Once installed, import the seo module from ecommercetools.

!pip3 install --upgrade ecommercetools
from ecommercetools import seo

Configure the Google Search Console API

If you’ve not used the Google Search Console API via EcommerceTools before you’ll first need to create a client secrets JSON key file and save it to your machine. This will provide access to your GSC data via the application.

I’ve assigned the location of my client_secrets.json file to a variable called key, and have created a variable called site_url to hold the URL of the Google Search Console property I want to access. This will typically be a URL, but if you are accessing a domain property, you will need to prefix it with sc-domain: instead of https://.

key = "client_secrets.json"
site_url = ""

Create your Google Search Console API query

Finally, we need to create two payload dictionaries containing the API query parameters we wish to run. The payload_before dictionary contains the API query for the earliest period, while the payload_after dictionary contains the API query for the later period.

Both payloads need to query the same dimensions. The dimensions provided can include the page, query, or device, but obviously not the date, as this won’t be found in both the before and after periods.

payload_before = {
    'startDate': "2021-08-11",
    'endDate': "2021-08-31",
    'dimensions': ["page","query", "device"],

payload_after = {
    'startDate': "2021-07-21",
    'endDate': "2021-08-10",
    'dimensions': ["page","query", "device"],

Once the payloads are created, you can then pass the key, site_url and the two payloads to the query_google_search_console_compare() query. This will fetch the data for the two periods and join it on the dimensions provided, returning a Pandas dataframe containing the metrics for each period, as well as the change between the two periods.

df = seo.query_google_search_console_compare(key, site_url, payload_before, payload_after)
page query device impressions_before impressions_after impressions_change clicks_before clicks_after clicks_change ctr_before ctr_after ctr_change position_before position_after position_change
0 scrape google search results python DESKTOP 114 122.0 8.0 26 34.0 8.0 22.81 27.87 5.06 3.06 2.25 -0.81
1 xgbregressor hyperparameter tuning DESKTOP 382 187.0 -195.0 22 6.0 -16.0 5.76 3.21 -2.55 7.43 8.10 0.67
2 xgboost classifier DESKTOP 948 264.0 -684.0 20 5.0 -15.0 2.11 1.89 -0.22 10.63 14.64 4.01
3 pandas read google sheet DESKTOP 237 195.0 -42.0 17 6.0 -11.0 7.17 3.08 -4.09 5.66 6.19 0.53
4 xgboost classifier python DESKTOP 396 282.0 -114.0 15 13.0 -2.0 3.79 4.61 0.82 9.33 10.06 0.73

Matt Clarke, Monday, September 06, 2021

Matt Clarke Matt is an Ecommerce and Marketing Director who uses data science to help in his work. Matt has a Master's degree in Internet Retailing (plus two other Master's degrees in different fields) and specialises in the technical side of ecommerce and marketing.