How to engineer customer purchase latency features

Learn how to engineer customer purchase latency features based on the time between each customer's orders so you can improve your model performance.

How to engineer customer purchase latency features
Picture by Campaign Creators, Unsplash.
34 minutes to read

Purchase latency or customer latency is a measure of the number of days between a customer’s orders and is one of the most powerful features in many propensity and churn models. It’s based on the fact that the timing of each customer’s next order will fall somewhere around the mean of their usual gap between orders.

If a customer comes back to your store every 30 days on average, there will be a bit of standard deviation in the gaps between their orders, so they might order every 20-40 days. However, unless they only purchase seasonally, if it’s been 60 days since their last visit, there’s a higher probability that they’ve churned. On the other hand, if they only purchased 10 days ago, they’re unlikely to purchase again for at least a couple of weeks.


The chart above shows this in action. You can see that the customer doesn’t order exactly every X days. Instead, they have an average latency and will order a bit either side of this mean number. When the gap between their orders is small, and within their usual mean, the probability of them having churned is low, but when there’s been a longer gap, the chances of them having lapsed are far greater.

Making good use of latency metrics

While I’ve covered some more sophisticated models for predicting churn probability (such as the powerful BG/NBD model), here we’re specifically looking at the creation of model features for customer latency that you can use in other machine learning models. Latency features can prove extremely useful in these models, so it’s worth taking the time to engineer them.

In addition, in their raw form they can also help your sales teams understand the behaviour of their customers and help your marketing team focus their activities with greater accuracy. Here are a few practical ways you can use them:

  • Targeting customers who are due to order: When you know that a customer is due to order soon, you can target them with perfectly-timed marketing to try to entice them. Or, if you’re a B2B retailer, you may wish to call them.

  • Avoid contacting customers too soon: If you know a customer is within their normal mean latency, it’s less likely that they’ll order again immediately.

  • Reactivating lapsed customers: Once you know a customer has gone beyond their usual standard deviation in latency, you know their probability of still being a customer is rapidly falling, so you can target them with offers or contact them to try and re-engage them.

Load your transactional data

To calculate customer latency you only need three columns from your transactional dataset - the order ID, the customer ID, and the date of the order. The date column needs to be in a datetime format, so you may need to change the data type before you proceed.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df_orders = pd.read_csv('orders.csv', low_memory=False)
df_orders['date_created'] = pd.to_datetime(df_orders['date_created'])
df_orders = df_orders[['order_id','customer_id','date_created','total_revenue']]
order_id customer_id date_created total_revenue
66558 310352 126628 2020-10-04 11:49:09 62.37
4014 246882 122033 2017-06-24 15:30:30 49.00
61198 304992 114997 2020-05-19 10:09:28 123.43
12013 255142 89238 2017-11-07 22:45:54 56.00
56619 300413 81997 2020-02-05 12:36:03 30.69
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 66988 entries, 0 to 66987
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------         --------------  -----         
 0   order_id       66988 non-null  int64         
 1   customer_id    66988 non-null  int64         
 2   date_created   66988 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 3   total_revenue  66988 non-null  float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 2.0 MB

Remove any zero-value orders

Sometimes when customers buy an item it may get lost or damaged in the post, or it might develop a fault. In these cases, the company will issue a replacement free of charge. Since these don’t really represent actual orders placed by the customer, we need to filter them out.

df_orders = df_orders[df_orders['total_revenue'] > 0]
order_id customer_id date_created total_revenue
20425 263835 119136 2018-04-15 13:01:21 57.99
19241 262612 119040 2018-03-24 12:03:58 49.99
21960 265426 124088 2018-05-11 10:58:41 54.99
41063 284857 119258 2019-04-04 06:57:07 52.00
59130 302924 79899 2020-03-18 12:01:23 58.43

Calculate the date of each previous order

To calculate the various latency metrics, the first step is to calculate the number of days between each of a customer’s orders. First, we’ll create a function called get_previous_value() which uses the Pandas shift() function to go back -1 to obtain the previous value in a sorted dataframe. By running this function we can assign the date of the previous order, if there was one, to a new column called prev_order_date.

def get_previous_value(df, group, column):
    """Group by a column and return the previous value of another column and assign value to a new column.
        df: Pandas DataFrame.
        group: Column name to groupby
        column: Column value to return.
        Original DataFrame with new column containing previous value of named column.
    df = df.copy()
    return df.groupby([group])[column].shift(-1)
df_orders = df_orders.sort_values(by=['date_created'], ascending=False)
df_orders['prev_order_date'] = get_previous_value(df_orders, 'customer_id', 'date_created')
order_id date_created prev_order_date
66987 310781 2020-10-17 10:59:37 2020-09-09 18:31:06
66986 310780 2020-10-17 10:49:28 2020-08-22 13:20:48
66985 310779 2020-10-17 09:36:15 2020-06-27 08:52:23
66984 310778 2020-10-17 09:24:22 2020-08-13 08:33:41
66983 310777 2020-10-17 09:00:09 2020-02-27 18:41:40

Calculate the number of days between orders

Now we have the date of the current and previous orders, we can calculate the difference between the two days. We’ll create a helper function called get_days_since_date() that we can re-use. This takes the before and after dates and returns an integer containing the number of days difference.

def get_days_since_date(df, before_datetime, after_datetime):
    """Return a new column containing the difference between two dates in days.
        df: Pandas DataFrame.
        before_datetime: Earliest datetime (will convert value)
        after_datetime: Latest datetime (will convert value)
        New column value
    df = df.copy()
    df[before_datetime] = pd.to_datetime(df[before_datetime])
    df[after_datetime] = pd.to_datetime(df[after_datetime])

    diff = df[after_datetime] - df[before_datetime]
    return round(diff / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')).fillna(0).astype(int)
df_orders['days_since_prev_order'] = get_days_since_date(df_orders, 'prev_order_date', 'date_created')
order_id customer_id date_created total_revenue prev_order_date days_since_prev_order
66987 310781 139259 2020-10-17 10:59:37 61.41 2020-09-09 18:31:06 38
66986 310780 105029 2020-10-17 10:49:28 54.23 2020-08-22 13:20:48 56
66985 310779 122669 2020-10-17 09:36:15 241.53 2020-06-27 08:52:23 112
66984 310778 105986 2020-10-17 09:24:22 54.94 2020-08-13 08:33:41 65
66983 310777 134695 2020-10-17 09:00:09 54.95 2020-02-27 18:41:40 233

Calculating the order number

Next, we want to calculate the order number for each order placed by a customer. This has many uses and is worth storing in your data warehouse. For example, you can use it to identify new and returning customers and examine how their spending patterns change over time.

We’ll create a reusable function called get_cumulative_count() to calculate this. This will sort the dataframe by a given column, then group it by another column and return the cumulative count.

def get_cumulative_count(df, group, count_column, sort_column):
    """Get the cumulative count of a column based on a GroupBy.
        :param df: Pandas DataFrame.
        :param group: Column to group by.
        :param count_column: Column to count.
        :param sort_column: Column to sort by.
        Cumulative count of the column.
        df['running_total'] = get_cumulative_count(df, 'customer_id', 'order_id', 'date_created')
    df = df.sort_values(by=sort_column, ascending=True)
    return df.groupby([group])[count_column].cumcount()

Next, we’ll apply the get_cumulative_count() function to sort the column by the date_created, group by the customer_id, and return the cumulative count of the order_id column, giving us the order number for each order placed by each customer.

df_orders['order_number'] = get_cumulative_count(df_orders, 'customer_id', 'order_id', 'date_created')
order_id order_number
66987 310781 2
66986 310780 22
66985 310779 16
66984 310778 1
66983 310777 3

Create a dataframe of unique customers

Now we’ve calculated the latency metrics and stored them on the orders dataframe, we need to move to the next step and obtain calculations at the customer level. The first step is therefore to create a dataframe containing all of the unique customers in the orders dataframe.

df_customers = pd.DataFrame(df_orders['customer_id'].unique())
df_customers.columns = ['customer_id']
0 139259
1 105029
2 122669
3 105986
4 134695

Calculate frequency

df_frequency = df_orders.groupby('customer_id')['order_id'].nunique().reset_index()
df_frequency.columns = ['customer_id','frequency']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_frequency, on='customer_id')
customer_id frequency
0 139259 3
1 105029 23
2 122669 17
3 105986 2
4 134695 4

Calculate the overall average latency

To calculate the overall average latency for each customer we can use the Pandas, split, apply, combine technique. First we will group the data by the customer_id column and calculate the mean days_since_previous_order and cast the value to an integer to allow grouping. Then we’ll create a dataframe containing the column and the customer_id and we’ll merge it back onto the df_customers dataframe.

df_avg_latency = df_orders.groupby('customer_id')['days_since_prev_order'].mean().astype(int).reset_index()
df_avg_latency.columns = ['customer_id','avg_latency']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_avg_latency, on='customer_id')
customer_id frequency avg_latency
0 139259 3 22
1 105029 23 54
2 122669 17 73
3 105986 2 32
4 134695 4 120

Calculate latency over recent periods

Customer purchase latency often changes. As customers become more established, latency tends to become lower, while as customers churn it becomes higher. A useful way of examining this is to calculate the average latency over 12 and 24 month periods. To do this, the first step is to create two dataframes - one for the past 12 months and one for the past 24 months, which we can do using timedelta().

df_orders_12m = df_orders[df_orders['date_created'] > ( pd.to_datetime('today') - \

df_orders_24m = df_orders[df_orders['date_created'] > ( pd.to_datetime('today') - \

Then we can repeat the split, apply, combine approach we used before but apply it to each of the date filtered dataframes in order to calculate the average purchase latency over 12 month and 24 month periods. Then we just assign the values to the df_customers dataframe.

df_avg_latency_12m = df_orders_12m.groupby('customer_id')['days_since_prev_order'].mean().astype(int).reset_index()
df_avg_latency_12m.columns = ['customer_id','avg_latency_12m']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_avg_latency_12m, on='customer_id')
customer_id frequency avg_latency avg_latency_12m
0 139259 3 22 22
1 105029 23 54 52
2 122669 17 73 168
3 105986 2 32 32
4 134695 4 120 214
df_avg_latency_24m = df_orders_24m.groupby('customer_id')['days_since_prev_order'].mean().astype(int).reset_index()
df_avg_latency_24m.columns = ['customer_id','avg_latency_24m']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_avg_latency_24m, on='customer_id')
customer_id frequency avg_latency avg_latency_12m avg_latency_24m
0 139259 3 22 22 22
1 105029 23 54 52 56
2 122669 17 73 168 104
3 105986 2 32 32 32
4 134695 4 120 214 120

Calculate variation in customer latency

If we look at a random customer and examine their order latencies in the days_since_prev_order column, we see that they generally purchase every 80-114 days. If it’s been 10 days since their last order, the customer isn’t likely to purchase, but if it’s been 80-90 days, their order is imminent.

order_id customer_id date_created total_revenue prev_order_date days_since_prev_order order_number
63724 307518 65427 2020-07-30 05:27:54 57.39 2020-04-17 20:32:19 103 12
60243 304037 65427 2020-04-17 20:32:19 60.45 2020-01-18 20:02:30 90 11
55820 299614 65427 2020-01-18 20:02:30 54.49 2019-10-18 07:47:24 93 10
51378 295172 65427 2019-10-18 07:47:24 54.99 2019-06-26 17:45:52 114 9
45835 289629 65427 2019-06-26 17:45:52 55.99 2019-03-07 14:38:57 111 8
39363 283157 65427 2019-03-07 14:38:57 54.99 2018-11-20 11:06:53 107 7
32997 276791 65427 2018-11-20 11:06:53 53.00 2018-08-26 12:41:18 86 6
28025 271701 65427 2018-08-26 12:41:18 54.99 2018-05-25 10:53:12 93 5
22770 266260 65427 2018-05-25 10:53:12 54.99 2018-02-21 08:35:10 93 4
17592 260914 65427 2018-02-21 08:35:10 53.99 2017-12-02 21:06:51 80 3
13535 256740 65427 2017-12-02 21:06:51 56.00 2017-09-01 06:46:31 93 2
8091 251089 65427 2017-09-01 06:46:31 55.99 2017-06-01 20:16:48 91 1
2598 245425 65427 2017-06-01 20:16:48 58.00 NaT 0 0

To calculate each customer’s minimum latency we need to ignore order zero, since there will be no latency on this order. Once we have these values, we can then calculate and round the minimum value and assign it back to the df_customers dataframe. Once we’ve done that, we can repeat the process to obtain the maximum latency.

df_orders_returning = df_orders[df_orders['order_number'] > 0]

df_min = df_orders_returning.groupby('customer_id')\

df_min.columns = ['customer_id','min_latency']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_min, on='customer_id')
df_max = df_orders_returning.groupby('customer_id')\

df_max.columns = ['customer_id','max_latency']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_max, on='customer_id')
customer_id frequency avg_latency avg_latency_12m avg_latency_24m min_latency max_latency
2267 65427 13 88 95 100 80 114

Standard deviation will show us the amount of variation in the values for each customer. We can calculate this for each customer using the same split, apply, combine approach and utilise the std() function in Pandas. Examining our random sample customer shows that they have a standard deviation in their purchase latency of 10.3 days. Across 13 orders they’ve reordered every 80-114 days. By feeding these values into a regression model, we can predict when they’d be likely to order next.

df_std = df_orders_returning.groupby('customer_id')\

df_std.columns = ['customer_id','std_latency']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_std, on='customer_id')
customer_id frequency avg_latency avg_latency_12m avg_latency_24m min_latency max_latency std_latency
2267 65427 13 88 95 100 80 114 10.320618

Calculate the Coefficient of Variation in latency

The Coefficient of Variation or CV is a standardised measure of the dispersion of a probability or frequency distribution. It’s the ratio of the standard deviation of a value to the sample mean. We can calculate the Coefficient of Variation for latency by dividing the standard deviation of the latency for a customer over the average latency for the customer.

df_customers['cv'] = df_customers['std_latency'] / df_customers['avg_latency']

Now, if we look at a couple of random customers, we can see the variation a bit better. For the first customer, they have a standard deviation in latency of 10.32 and an average latency of 88 days, which gives a CV of 0.117.

sample = df_customers[df_customers['customer_id']==65427]
customer_id avg_latency std_latency cv
2267 65427 88 10.320618 0.11728

The second customer has a standard deviation of 58.99 and an average latency of 73, so is much more variable and they have a CV of 0.80. Therefore, customers who have a lower CV are going to be more predictable than those with higher CVs.

sample = df_customers[df_customers['customer_id']==122669]
customer_id avg_latency std_latency cv
2 122669 73 58.990359 0.808087

Calculate the customer’s recency

Next, if we calculate the customer’s recency - the number of days since they placed their last order - we can use this in another calculation to work out whether each customer is due to order soon or not. To obtain the recency metric, we first calculate the max() of their date_created (representing their last order), then we calculate its timedelta() in days verus the current date.

df_recency = df_orders.groupby('customer_id')['date_created'].max().reset_index()
df_recency.columns = ['customer_id','recency_date']
df_customers = df_customers.merge(df_recency, on='customer_id')
df_customers['recency'] = round((pd.to_datetime('today') - df_customers['recency_date'])\
                                / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') ).astype(int)
customer_id frequency avg_latency avg_latency_12m avg_latency_24m min_latency max_latency std_latency recency
0 139259 3 22 22 22 29 38 6.363961 2
1 105029 23 54 52 56 22 70 10.914861 2
2 122669 17 73 168 104 27 271 58.990359 2
3 105986 2 32 32 32 65 65 NaN 2
4 134695 4 120 214 120 53 233 95.059630 2

Estimate when the next order is due

While you can achieve much more accurate results using a model, such as BG/NBD (which I would recommend you use instead), you can get a simple approximation of which customers are due to order by subtracting the recency and std_latency values from the avg_latency, without the need to train and predict using a custom model.

This gives you a rough approximation of the number of days until the next order is due based on a conservative estimate. If you want to know when you should start marketing to them to prompt them to order, you can add the recency and std_latency values before you subtract them. The below function will calculate this and you can apply it with a lambda() function for each customer.

def days_to_next_order(avg_latency, std_latency, recency):
    """Perform a simple/crude estimate of the number of days 
    until the customer's next order will be placed. 

    :param avg_latency: Average latency in days
    :param std_latency: Standard deviation of latency in days
    :param recency: Recency in days
        Approximate number of days until the next order
    return avg_latency - (recency - std_latency)
df_customers['days_to_next_order'] = df_customers.apply(
    lambda x: days_to_next_order(x['avg_latency'], x['std_latency'], x['recency']), axis=1).round()
customer_id avg_latency std_latency recency days_to_next_order
0 139259 22 6.363961 2 26.0
1 105029 54 10.914861 2 63.0
2 122669 73 58.990359 2 130.0
3 105986 32 NaN 2 NaN
4 134695 120 95.059630 2 213.0

Create some simple labels

Finally, we’ll add a simple label based on the latency of each customer. If a customer’s recency is below days_to_next_order_lower then they’re not due to order yet. If the recency sits between the lower bound of their days_to_next_order and the upper bound, based on standard deviation, then they’re due to order soon as they fall within the normal range. If their recency is greater than the upper bound of days_to_next_order, then they’re well overdue an order. For everyone else, we’ll assign a “Not sure” value.

def label_customers(avg_latency, std_latency, recency):
    """Add a label based on latency

    :param avg_latency: Average latency in days
    :param std_latency: Standard deviation of latency in days
    :param recency: Recency in days
           Latency label

    days_to_next_order_upper = avg_latency - (recency - std_latency)
    days_to_next_order_lower = avg_latency - (recency + std_latency)

    if recency < days_to_next_order_lower:
        return 'Order not due'

    elif (recency <= days_to_next_order_lower) or (recency <= days_to_next_order_upper):
        return 'Order due soon'

    elif recency > days_to_next_order_upper:
        return 'Order overdue'

        return 'Not sure'
df_customers['label'] = df_customers.apply(
    lambda x: label_customers(x['avg_latency'], x['std_latency'], x['recency']), axis=1)
customer_id avg_latency std_latency recency days_to_next_order label
3505 135926 41 80.181045 221 -100.0 Order overdue
3658 120882 0 NaN 243 NaN Not sure
4067 136235 26 NaN 312 NaN Not sure
2149 138351 57 NaN 76 NaN Not sure
2000 138137 73 NaN 70 NaN Not sure
1495 110629 58 26.974268 52 33.0 Order overdue
2414 121677 97 200.998191 89 209.0 Order due soon
2708 84857 40 31.549940 120 -48.0 Order overdue
460 95072 72 26.320009 18 80.0 Order not due
1386 122803 78 25.222635 48 55.0 Order due soon

Based on these simple calculations, we get a very basic estimate of what number of customers are due to order soon, are overdue (or lapsed), or aren’t due to order for a while because they’ve recently ordered.

Order overdue     2029
Order due soon    1286
Not sure           667
Order not due      429
Name: label, dtype: int64

Obviously, you’d benefit from calculating this more accurately using a model like the Beta Geometric Negative Binomial Distribution or BG/NBD, but this is certainly good enough for basic segmentation and targeting in most cases.

Matt Clarke, Saturday, March 13, 2021

Matt Clarke Matt is an Ecommerce and Marketing Director who uses data science to help in his work. Matt has a Master's degree in Internet Retailing (plus two other Master's degrees in different fields) and specialises in the technical side of ecommerce and marketing.