Image recognition

5 articles tagged Image recognition

How to read QR codes in Python using OpenCV

The QR code or Quick Response code is a two-dimensional or matrix barcode invented in the early nineties by a Japanese car manufacturer. QR codes started to become popular in...

How to use identify visually similar images using hashing

Image hashing (or image fingerprinting) is a technique that is used to convert an image to an alphanumeric string. While this might sound somewhat pointless, it actually has a number...

How to create image datasets for machine learning models

While many models are now pre-trained to identify certain objects, in most cases you will need to undertake further training. This requires the construction of image classification datasets containing a...

How to perform facial recognition in Python

Facial recognition algorithms have made giant steps in the past decade and have become commonplace in everything from social networks and mobile phone camera software, to surveillance systems. They make...

How to build the 'Hotdog , not Hotdog' image classifier

Convolutional Neural Networks or CNNs are one of the most widely used AI techniques for detecting complex features in data. They’re particularly good for image recognition, and are used in...