How to do custom Named Entity Recognition in Pandas using Spacy

Learn how to use perform custom named entity recognition in Pandas with Spacy by analysing the skills employers are looking for in job advertisements.

How to do custom Named Entity Recognition in Pandas using Spacy
Picture by This Is Engineering, Pexels.
60 minutes to read

As I showed in my previous tutorial on named entity recognition in Spacy, the EntityRuler allows you to customise Spacy’s default NER model to allow you to create your own named entities based on pattern matching.

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a custom NER model to extract the skills from data science jobs using a dataset I scraped from all the UK’s current data science roles.

We’ll import the dataset into Pandas, create a custom NER model to extract the skills from the job ads, use the named entities to clean the dataset, and then analyse the skills employers are currently looking for, and the salaries they’re currently paying.

Import the packages

To get started, open a Jupyter notebook and import Spacy. If you don’t have Spacy installed, you can install it from the Pip package management system by entering pip3 install spacy. We’ll use the Pandas set_option() method to increase the maximum number of rows shown, so we can scan more data.

import pandas as pd
import spacy
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 200)

Load the data

Next, we’ll load my data science jobs dataset. I created this using a custom web scraper written in Requests-HTML that scraped all the current data science related jobs from the Reed jobs website. The dataset includes all the information on the job, including the job title, salary, location, and the job description itself.

df = pd.read_csv('')
reference 41642346
title Data Engineering Tech Lead
date_posted 2020-12-27
date_ending 2021-02-07T23:55:00.0000000
advertiser Definitive Recruitment Ltd
location Middlesex
city Uxbridge
country GB
salary 75000.0
salary_min 75000.0
salary_max 80000.0
salary_frequency YEAR
salary_currency NaN
description Apply now\nThe role involves technical leaders...

Use Spacy load() to import a model

Next, we need load a model into Spacy. There are various models you can use. I’m using the en_core_web_sm model. To download the model you will first need to run a Python command to fetch the latest model and then use the Spacy load() method to load it.

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

Create EntityRuler pattern matching rules

Now we need to create the rules to pass to Spacy’s EntityRuler. These will power our custom named entity recognition system and will look for pattern matches in the job description, assign a label to them called SKILL, and allow us to extract the named entities.

To create the list of patterns to match, I scoured the job ads to look for skills mentioned in the posts until I stopped getting much improvement on the numbers of skills extracted.

This likely doesn’t cover every skill mentioned in data science job ads, but it definitely catches the bulk of the technical ones. You can easily extend it to cover other areas, or soft skills, such as “stakeholder management”.

skills = [
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "python"}], 'id': 'python'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "r"}], 'id': 'r'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "sas"}], 'id': 'sas'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "java"}], 'id': 'java'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "c++"}], 'id': 'c++'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "c#"}], 'id': 'c#'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "c"}], 'id': 'c'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "javascript"}], 'id': 'javascript'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "html"}], 'id': 'html'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "css"}], 'id': 'css'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "php"}], 'id': 'php'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "ruby"}], 'id': 'ruby'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "scala"}], 'id': 'scala'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "perl"}], 'id': 'perl'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "matlab"}], 'id': 'matlab'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "hadoop"}], 'id': 'hadoop'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "spark"}], 'id': 'spark'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "hive"}], 'id': 'hive'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "pig"}], 'id': 'pig'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "shark"}], 'id': 'shark'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "oozie"}], 'id': 'oozie'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "zookeeper"}], 'id': 'zookeeper'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "flume"}], 'id': 'flume'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "mahout"}], 'id': 'mahout'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "sqoop"}], 'id': 'sqoop'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "storm"}], 'id': 'storm'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "kafka"}], 'id': 'kafka'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "cassandra"}], 'id': 'cassandra'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "mongodb"}], 'id': 'mongodb'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "redis"}], 'id': 'redis'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "elasticsearch"}], 'id': 'elasticsearch'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "neo4j"}], 'id': 'neo4j'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "sql"}], 'id': 'sql'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "nosql"}], 'id': 'nosql'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "postgresql"}], 'id': 'postgresql'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "oracle"}], 'id': 'oracle'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "mysql"}], 'id': 'mysql'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "sqlite"}], 'id': 'sqlite'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "mariadb"}], 'id': 'mariadb'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "mssql"}], 'id': 'mssql'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "db2"}], 'id': 'db2'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "pandas"}], 'id': 'pandas'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "spacy"}], 'id': 'spacy'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "nltk"}], 'id': 'nltk'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "gensim"}], 'id': 'gensim'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "huggingface"}], 'id': 'huggingface'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "transformers"}], 'id': 'transformers'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "scikit-learn"}], 'id': 'scikit-learn'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "scikit"}, {"LOWER": "learn"}], 'id': 'scikit-learn'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "sklearn"}], 'id': 'scikit-learn'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "tensor"}, {"LOWER": "flow"}], 'id': 'tensorflow'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "tensorflow"}], 'id': 'tensorflow'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "keras"}], 'id': 'keras'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "pytorch"}], 'id': 'pytorch'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "numpy"}], 'id': 'numpy'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "scipy"}], 'id': 'scipy'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "matplotlib"}], 'id': 'matplotlib'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "seaborn"}], 'id': 'seaborn'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "plotly"}], 'id': 'plotly'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "bokeh"}], 'id': 'bokeh'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "d3"}], 'id': 'd3'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "airflow"}], 'id': 'airflow'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "docker"}], 'id': 'docker'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "kubernetes"}], 'id': 'kubernetes'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "aws"}], 'id': 'aws'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "amazon"}, {"LOWER": "web"}, {"LOWER": "services"}], 'id': 'aws'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "gcp"}], 'id': 'gcp'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "google"}, {"LOWER": "cloud"}, {"LOWER": "platform"}], 'id': 'gcp'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "azure"}], 'id': 'azure'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "machine learning"}], 'id': 'machine learning'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "ml"}], 'id': 'machine learning'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "deep"}, {"LOWER": "learning"}], 'id': 'deep learning'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dl"}], 'id': 'deep learning'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "natural"}, {"LOWER": "language"}, {"LOWER": "processing"}], 'id': 'nlp'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "nlp"}], 'id': 'nlp'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "computer"}, {"LOWER": "vision"}], 'id': 'computer vision'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "cv"}], 'id': 'computer vision'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "science"}], 'id': 'data science'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "ds"}], 'id': 'data science'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "analysis"}], 'id': 'data analysis'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "da"}], 'id': 'data analysis'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "visualisation"}], 'id': 'data visualisation'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "visualization"}], 'id': 'data visualization'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dv"}], 'id': 'data visualisation'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "mining"}], 'id': 'data mining'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dm"}], 'id': 'data mining'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "engineering"}], 'id': 'data engineering'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "de"}], 'id': 'data engineering'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "analytics"}], 'id': 'data analytics'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "da"}], 'id': 'data analytics'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "warehouse"}], 'id': 'data warehouse'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dw"}], 'id': 'data warehouse'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "pipelines"}], 'id': 'data pipelines'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dp"}], 'id': 'data pipelines'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "munging"}], 'id': 'data munging'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dm"}], 'id': 'data munging'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "preparation"}], 'id': 'data preparation'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dp"}], 'id': 'data preparation'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "wrangling"}], 'id': 'data wrangling'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dw"}], 'id': 'data wrangling'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "data"}, {"LOWER": "cleaning"}], 'id': 'data cleaning'},
    {'label': 'SKILL', 'pattern': [{"LOWER": "dc"}], 'id': 'data cleaning'},

Next you need to pass the huge list of patterns to the add_pipe() method and use before='ner' to ensure that Spacy overwrites any default named entities with the new SKILL entities. The patterns are then added to the ruler using add_patterns().

ruler = nlp.add_pipe('entity_ruler', before='ner')

Extract the skills to a new column

To run the custom named entity recognition model on our entire Pandas dataframe we can use the Pandas apply() method and a lambda function. We’ll create a for loop that loops over the entities and returns those where the label_ is SKILL.

The ent.text value contains the matched words, i.e. Python or MySQL, but we actually want the ent.ent_id_ value, since this will ensure all the values are equal, and we don’t have to deal with “scikit-learn”, “scikit learn” and “sklearn” when analysing the results.

Finally, we can use another lambda function to use set() to de-duplicate the values and return only the unique matches in a Python list. We get back a single column in our dataframe containing the SKILL named entities extracted.

df['skills'] = df['description'].apply(lambda x: [ent.ent_id_ for ent in nlp(x).ents if ent.label_ == 'SKILL'])
df['skills'] = df['skills'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x)))
df[['title', 'skills']].sample(5)
title skills
406 Data Science Consultant [sql, hadoop, python, scala, spark, data scien...
47 Senior Data Scientist - 5 Months FTC [python, spark, data science, computer vision,...
117 Data Scientist - Life Sciences [data science]
298 Backend Developer - Remote [sql, nlp, python, computer vision, data scien...
3 Data Science Consultant [data science, r, python]

Use the named entities to clean the dataset

Now we’ve analysed each job description and extracted the named entities for job skills to a separate column we need to check the cleanliness of the data. Since recruiters often post job ads in the wrong places, some jobs filed under “data science”, might not truly be data science roles, so we can use the skills column to identify these.

df[['title', 'skills']].sort_values('skills', key=lambda x: x.str.len(), ascending=True).head(100)
title skills
251 Risk and Pricing Quant Lead []
186 Data Scientist InsurTech [data science]
35 Data Science and Analytics Specialist - Data S... [data science]
39 Data Scientist / Statistician (PhD level) [data science]
41 Lead Data Scientist Manager Reading, Halifax o... [data science]
340 UI Lead Designer / UX Lead Designer [data science]
381 Account Manager - FinTech [data science]
383 Graduate Recruitment Consultant [data science]
384 Data Quality Manager [data science]
312 Recruitment Consultant [data science]
387 Data Scientist [data science]
593 Principal UX Designer [data engineering]
66 Senior Data Scientist [data science]
268 Recruitment Consultant [data science]
72 Lead Data Scientist Manager Reading, Halifax o... [data science]
267 Credit Risk Manager - Credit Cards [data science]
260 Security Architect - Active SC clearance required [data science]
494 Sales Development Representative - SaaS Solutions [data engineering]
535 Project Systems Engineer [data engineering]
100 Sales Development Representative in Gaming [data science]
196 Trainee Recruitment Consultant - Gaming & Data [data science]
184 Recruitment Consultant - Twickenham [data science]
177 Senior Pricing Price Analyst [data science]
105 Technology Recruitment Consultant [data science]
107 Insights Consultancy Director / Applied Scienc... [data science]
113 Product Manager [data science]
117 Data Scientist - Life Sciences [data science]
159 Recruitment Consultant - Life Sciences [data science]
158 Recruitment Consultant - Risk & Quantitative F... [data science]
157 Product Manager - B2B Software [data science]
143 Account Manager [data science]
34 Data Science and Analytics Specialist - Data S... [data science]
33 Senior Data Science Recruiter - Team Leader Op... [data science]
140 Director - Customer Marketing Analytics & Stra... [data science]
378 Senior Digital Strategist [data science]
1 Data Science Recruiter [data science]
590 Data Platforms Lead [data engineering]
352 Enterprise Business Development Manager - Benelux [data science]
592 Business Analyst [data engineering]
376 Senior Data Strategist - CRM & Digital [data science]
27 Team Leader - Data Science Recruitment [data science]
364 Senior Product Manager [data science]
31 Business Development Manager - Data Science & ... [data science, c]
92 Data Scientist All Levels [data science, computer vision]
218 Software Engineer - Java [data science, java]
219 BDR Manager/Sales Manager [data science, data analytics]
32 Business Development Manager - Data Science & ... [data science, c]
208 Senior Data Scientist [sql, computer vision]
375 Commercial Finance Manager / FP&A Analyst SaaS... [data science, c]
247 Senior Data Analyst [data science, data mining]
15 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
252 Agile Business Analyst [data science, c]
16 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
87 Insight Analyst [data science, sql]
206 KDB Developer [data science, java]
374 Population Health Consultant Lead [sql, data science]
198 Director of Data [data science, computer vision]
11 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
10 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
591 JavaScript Developer - True Microservices/Node... [data engineering, python]
174 Sales Account Manager - Data & Analytics [data science, c]
7 Head of Data Science [data science, computer vision]
110 Senior Insight Analyst [sql, data science]
111 Senior Insight Analyst [sql, data science]
170 Senior Business Development Manager [data science, c]
168 Product Manager [data science, computer vision]
118 Senior Product Manager - B2C [data science, data analysis]
149 Senior Data Scientist [computer vision, python]
577 Marketing Solutions Senior IT Project Manager ... [data engineering, c]
203 Data Scientist [spark, data science]
361 Head of Analytics [data science, python]
536 Senior Data Analyst - Oxford [data engineering, data analytics]
279 Senior Recruitment Consultant: Technology [data science, computer vision]
345 Senior BI Analyst [data science, data analysis]
29 Resourcer - Data, Analytics & Data Science [data science, computer vision]
28 Product Manager - Data Science Routing [data science, computer vision]
336 Agile Business Analyst - Public Sector [data science, data visualisation]
26 Director of Data Science and Decision Science [data science, computer vision]
330 Data Engineer [data science, python]
19 Head of Data Science and Analytics [data science, computer vision]
320 Senior Agile Business Analyst - Public Sector [data science, data visualisation]
319 Agile Business Analyst - Public Sector [data science, data visualisation]
316 Senior Data Analytics Recruitment Consultant [data science, data analytics]
589 Mid Level JavaScript Developer -Microservices/... [data engineering, python]
385 Head of Strategic Environment [data science, data analysis]
22 Head of Data Science - FinTech [data science, computer vision]
355 Platform Technical Lead [data science, azure]
282 Infrastructure Engineer - Active DV Clearance ... [data science, data visualisation]
359 Population Health Consultant Lead [sql, data science]
67 Data Scientist/ Senior Data Scientist [data science, computer vision]
474 Head of Software Development [data engineering, azure]
294 Technical Business Analyst / Scrum Master - Te... [data science, data analysis]
388 Corporate Information Analyst [data science, r, sql]
367 Oracle DBA [data science, data visualisation, oracle]
413 Lead Data Engineer - SSIS, ETL, SQL [data engineering, sql, oracle]
453 Product Analyst [data engineering, sql, computer vision]
455 Senior Data Engineer [data engineering, kafka, data pipelines]
341 Junior Software Developer [data science, c, javascript]
401 Data Engineering Lead - Azure [data engineering, azure, sql]
457 Lead Data Engineer - SSIS, ETL, SQL [data engineering, sql, oracle]

For a start, we can drop the very few rows present that don’t have any skills detected, since they’re unlikely to be data science roles. We can also eyeball the list above to look for other keywords that might denote non-data science roles. For example, “recruiter” or “dba”.

# Drop rows with no skills
df = df[df['skills'].str.len() > 0]

We’ll create a list of keywords that appear in the non-data science roles and we’ll filter the dataframe to exclude those rows that include one of the words in the job title. This cleans up a good chunk of the less relevant role titles that could have added noise to our data.

# Drop rows with one of the following strings in the job title
titles = ['recruit', 'resourcer', 'software engineer', 'health', 'product manager', 
'ux', 'sales', 'business development', 'account manager', 'risk manager', 'kdb', 
'business analyst', 'javascript', 'security', 'data quality', 'finance manager', 
'software development', 'project manager', 'dba', 'product analyst', 'pricing analyst', 
'crm', 'java', 'agile', 'product owner', 'it director', 'software developer']
df = df[~df['title'].str.contains('|'.join(titles), case=False)]

Re-querying the dataframe to show the rows with the lowest number of matched skills first shows that we’ve now removed most of the less relevant roles, leaving only the true data science positions behind. Of course, if you wanted to put this into production, you could fully automate this step by creating a Naive Bayes text classification model to determine how to classify each role type.

df[['title', 'skills']].sort_values('skills', key=lambda x: x.str.len(), ascending=True).head(100)
title skills
140 Director - Customer Marketing Analytics & Stra... [data science]
66 Senior Data Scientist [data science]
387 Data Scientist [data science]
186 Data Scientist InsurTech [data science]
378 Senior Digital Strategist [data science]
590 Data Platforms Lead [data engineering]
107 Insights Consultancy Director / Applied Scienc... [data science]
39 Data Scientist / Statistician (PhD level) [data science]
35 Data Science and Analytics Specialist - Data S... [data science]
34 Data Science and Analytics Specialist - Data S... [data science]
535 Project Systems Engineer [data engineering]
117 Data Scientist - Life Sciences [data science]
177 Senior Pricing Price Analyst [data science]
41 Lead Data Scientist Manager Reading, Halifax o... [data science]
72 Lead Data Scientist Manager Reading, Halifax o... [data science]
67 Data Scientist/ Senior Data Scientist [data science, computer vision]
247 Senior Data Analyst [data science, data mining]
208 Senior Data Scientist [sql, computer vision]
87 Insight Analyst [data science, sql]
203 Data Scientist [spark, data science]
149 Senior Data Scientist [computer vision, python]
92 Data Scientist All Levels [data science, computer vision]
385 Head of Strategic Environment [data science, data analysis]
198 Director of Data [data science, computer vision]
536 Senior Data Analyst - Oxford [data engineering, data analytics]
15 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
345 Senior BI Analyst [data science, data analysis]
330 Data Engineer [data science, python]
7 Head of Data Science [data science, computer vision]
282 Infrastructure Engineer - Active DV Clearance ... [data science, data visualisation]
16 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
22 Head of Data Science - FinTech [data science, computer vision]
355 Platform Technical Lead [data science, azure]
361 Head of Analytics [data science, python]
11 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
111 Senior Insight Analyst [sql, data science]
10 Data Science Lead (Pricing) [data science, computer vision]
26 Director of Data Science and Decision Science [data science, computer vision]
19 Head of Data Science and Analytics [data science, computer vision]
110 Senior Insight Analyst [sql, data science]
560 Data and Analytics Delivery Manager [data engineering, data warehouse, data analysis]
209 Data Engineer [data science, java, python]
214 Senior Research Scientist [machine learning, data science, computer vision]
450 Data Engineer Azure, SQL Nottingham Circa £60k [data engineering, azure, sql]
172 Data Scientist [data science, nosql, python]
79 Junior Data Scientist [data science, python, sql]
401 Data Engineering Lead - Azure [data engineering, azure, sql]
74 Junior Data Scientist [data science, python, sql]
215 Senior Research Scientist [machine learning, data science, computer vision]
123 Lead Data Scientist [machine learning, data science, computer vision]
73 Data Scientist [data science, python, sql]
114 Customer Analytics Manager Remote [data science, python, sql]
413 Lead Data Engineer - SSIS, ETL, SQL [data engineering, sql, oracle]
414 Clojure Developer Remote [data engineering, javascript, aws]
423 Mid Level Data Engineer [data engineering, sql, python]
457 Lead Data Engineer - SSIS, ETL, SQL [data engineering, sql, oracle]
152 Senior Data Scientist [data science, r, python]
104 Senior Data Scientist [data science, python, sql]
125 Customer Analytics Manager Remote [data science, python, sql]
572 Snowflake Data Engineer [data engineering, sql, data science]
531 Data Architect - Remote [data engineering, data science, aws]
88 Data Scientist Investment [machine learning, data science, computer vision]
455 Senior Data Engineer [data engineering, kafka, data pipelines]
343 Senior Digital Media Insight Analyst [data science, data visualisation, sql]
58 Data & Decision Science Director [data science, c, computer vision]
388 Corporate Information Analyst [data science, r, sql]
486 Cloud Data Developer [data engineering, sql, azure]
497 Digital Analytics Lead - Fully Remote Working [data engineering, data science, computer vision]
3 Data Science Consultant [data science, r, python]
65 Junior Python Developer [data science, python, computer vision]
4 Data Science Manager [data science, data analytics, computer vision]
332 Technical Pricing and Data Analyst London Market [sql, data science, data visualisation]
500 SQL Consultant [data engineering, sql, azure]
14 Lead Data Science Consultant [machine learning, data science, computer vision]
180 Senior Data Scientist - Quant [data science, r, python, sql]
307 Head of Engineering. Global Startup. Big Data [spark, data science, hadoop, airflow]
303 Scala Data Engineer [aws, java, data science, scala]
179 Senior Data Scientist [data science, python, computer vision, sql]
310 Bioinformatician [data science, r, python, aws]
311 Computational Biologist [data science, r, python, aws]
302 Senior C++ Developer - 12 Mth FTC [c++, c, data science, python]
176 C#/.NET Developer [data science, c, azure, javascript]
317 BI Analyst [sql, data science, data visualisation, comput...
228 Senior Research Data Scientist [data science, python, computer vision, sql]
325 Data Visualisation Analyst [data science, data visualisation, computer vi...
301 Senior C++ Developer 12 month FTC [c++, c, data science, python]
326 Senior Media Effectiveness Analyst [sql, data visualisation, data science, python]
434 Data Engineer [data engineering, sql, data pipelines, comput...
438 Data Engineer [data engineering, sql, data science, azure]
444 Data Engineer [data engineering, sql, data pipelines, comput...
146 Senior Analyst - Strategy £40-55k + Bens [data science, r, python, sql]
145 Market Research Data Scientist [data science, r, python, sql]
144 Data Scientist - Gaming/ Betting [data science, azure, python, computer vision]
142 Senior DevOps Engineer [data science, aws, python, computer vision]
324 Lead Developer, Python, Data Scientist, AI, CN... [computer vision, pytorch, data science, python]
353 Senior Analyst - Marketing Effectiveness / Eco... [data science, r, python, sql]
274 Research Data Scientist [data science, python, computer vision, sql]
377 Data Scientist - Renewable Energy / Financial ... [sql, data science, r, python]
225 Front End Developer [data science, css, javascript, azure]
224 Head of Data / Data Lead - Well-funded Scaleup [data science, r, python, sql]

Remove outliers

Before we analyse the data, we need to check for potential outliers caused by job posters adding the wrong salary to their positions. We can do this easily by using the Pandas head() and tail() functions after sorting the dataframe by salary. It shows that one row needs to be corrected because it’s got a zero missing - the salary for the role should actually be £100,000 not £10,000.

df[['title', 'salary']].sort_values('salary', ascending=True).head()
title salary
132 Senior Customer Insight Analytics Manager 10000.0
362 Graduate Analytics Positions 20000.0
164 Data Analyst Apprentice 22000.0
79 Junior Data Scientist 22000.0
357 Junior Developer 23000.0
df[['title', 'salary']].sort_values('salary', ascending=False).head()
title salary
26 Director of Data Science and Decision Science 150000.0
6 Director of Data Science 150000.0
68 Director of Data 150000.0
394 Director of Data Engineering 150000.0
58 Data & Decision Science Director 150000.0
df.loc[132, 'salary'] = 100000

Analyse the distribution of named entities

Our dataset above contains a column called skills that includes a list of the unique named entities recognised by our custom named entity recognition system. To analyse these skills individually we can use the Pandas explode() function to split the list up over multiple rows. We’ll split the data into rows and then return just the skill and the salary for each one.

df_skills = df.explode('skills')
df_skills[['skills', 'salary']].sample(5)
skills salary
166 r 25000.0
547 aws 45000.0
506 scala 75000.0
563 azure 45000.0
293 deep learning 80000.0

To understand which roles are most sought after by UK data science employers we can use the Pandas groupby() function with an agg() function. We’ll group the data by the individual skill and then calculate the number of roles in which it appears, then the minimum, maximum, mean, and median salary for each skill.

Roles that mention “data science” range have an average salary of £58,828 and a median of £55,000, compared to those that mention “data engineering”, which carry an average salary of £60,221 and a median of £60,000.

There’s not a huge difference between the salaries of data scientists and data engineers in the UK and demand for data scientists is higher than that for data engineers. Similarly, more than three times as many roles are looking for Python compared to R, with salaries for Python developers being higher on average.

df_summary = df_skills.groupby('skills').agg(
    roles=('title', 'count'),
    min_salary=('salary', 'min'),
    max_salary=('salary', 'max'),
    avg_salary=('salary', 'mean'),
    median_salary=('salary', 'median'),
).sort_values('roles', ascending=False)
roles min_salary max_salary avg_salary median_salary
data science 348 20000.0 150000.0 58828.077586 55000.0
python 344 20000.0 150000.0 58382.267442 55000.0
sql 270 22000.0 150000.0 56075.425926 50000.0
computer vision 212 20000.0 150000.0 64617.924528 60000.0
data engineering 173 25000.0 150000.0 60221.410405 60000.0
aws 151 23000.0 150000.0 65152.317881 65000.0
r 117 20000.0 150000.0 51152.692308 45000.0
azure 82 23000.0 125000.0 53826.268293 50000.0
spark 81 30000.0 125000.0 68774.740741 65000.0
gcp 54 25000.0 150000.0 63777.777778 65000.0
data warehouse 51 28000.0 85000.0 57254.901961 55000.0
data pipelines 45 34000.0 110000.0 58851.200000 60000.0
kafka 44 30000.0 125000.0 74035.227273 75000.0
data analytics 44 22000.0 120000.0 54500.000000 50000.0
machine learning 42 32000.0 110000.0 62309.523810 60000.0
java 40 23000.0 110000.0 59600.000000 57500.0
docker 38 25000.0 125000.0 67315.789474 70000.0
kubernetes 36 25000.0 125000.0 70416.666667 70000.0
data analysis 36 22000.0 90000.0 45803.222222 45000.0
airflow 36 50000.0 110000.0 68611.111111 70000.0
deep learning 35 32000.0 110000.0 66942.857143 65000.0
scala 33 40000.0 110000.0 65757.575758 60000.0
data visualisation 32 25000.0 100000.0 42984.375000 45000.0
nlp 28 32000.0 85000.0 55428.571429 55000.0
hadoop 26 40000.0 95000.0 64230.769231 60000.0
c 23 22000.0 150000.0 62434.782609 60000.0
sas 20 27000.0 70000.0 45200.000000 40000.0
javascript 17 23000.0 75000.0 51000.000000 50000.0
nosql 17 23000.0 85000.0 55941.176471 55000.0
tensorflow 17 40000.0 100000.0 68235.294118 70000.0
mysql 15 25000.0 75000.0 57000.000000 60000.0
postgresql 15 25000.0 75000.0 59866.666667 70000.0
c++ 13 20000.0 85000.0 52384.615385 50000.0
elasticsearch 12 45000.0 75000.0 69166.666667 75000.0
matlab 10 25000.0 70000.0 43900.000000 42500.0
numpy 10 35000.0 70000.0 56000.000000 57500.0
pytorch 10 45000.0 90000.0 71500.000000 70000.0
data mining 8 45000.0 80000.0 60000.000000 60000.0
pandas 8 35000.0 70000.0 50000.000000 47500.0
keras 6 40000.0 90000.0 64166.666667 70000.0
mongodb 6 55000.0 100000.0 70000.000000 65000.0
storm 6 50000.0 75000.0 56666.666667 52500.0
hive 6 45000.0 70000.0 58333.333333 60000.0
css 5 23000.0 50000.0 35600.000000 35000.0
oracle 5 25000.0 45000.0 37600.000000 38000.0
scipy 3 40000.0 70000.0 58333.333333 65000.0
data visualization 3 22000.0 40000.0 31333.333333 32000.0
php 3 28000.0 60000.0 40666.666667 34000.0
plotly 3 35000.0 70000.0 56666.666667 65000.0
neo4j 3 70000.0 75000.0 73333.333333 75000.0
nltk 2 50000.0 50000.0 50000.000000 50000.0
mssql 2 45000.0 45000.0 45000.000000 45000.0
html 2 23000.0 50000.0 36500.000000 36500.0
data wrangling 1 50000.0 50000.0 50000.000000 50000.0
data preparation 1 65000.0 65000.0 65000.000000 65000.0
ruby 1 80000.0 80000.0 80000.000000 80000.0
db2 1 25000.0 25000.0 25000.000000 25000.0
scikit-learn 1 45000.0 45000.0 45000.000000 45000.0
seaborn 1 65000.0 65000.0 65000.000000 65000.0
cassandra 1 60000.0 60000.0 60000.000000 60000.0
matplotlib 1 45000.0 45000.0 45000.000000 45000.0
flume 1 50000.0 50000.0 50000.000000 50000.0

Create box plots for each skill

To understand the distribution in salary for each skill identified by our custom named entity recognition system we can use Seaborn and Matplotlib boxplots for data visualisation. First, we’ll examine the overall distribution in salaries across the whole dataset.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.title('Distribution of Salaries')


Data science roles in the UK range from a salary of £20,000 at the very, very bottom and rise to £150,000 at the top for director level roles. The overall mean salary is £58,941 and the median is £55,000. This varies according to both the nature of the role (i.e. data science versus data engineering), the skills required in the role, and the level of the role.


Visualising the salary by skill

Next, we’ll use a Seaborn boxplot to visualise the salary ranges for each individual skill. Boxplots, or box and whisker plots, show a coloured box representing the interquartile range, a middle line representing the median value, and whiskers representing the outer limits. Outliers are represented as dots.

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 40))
sns.boxplot(y='skills', x='salary', data=df_skills, orient='h')
plt.title('Distribution of Salaries by Skill')


Broad areas

Broadly speaking, the data suggests that median salaries for data engineering roles tend to be a bit higher than those for data science roles, but this changes at the top level, where data science director roles warrant salaries of up to £150K.

broad_skills = ['data science', 'data engineering', 'data visualisation', 
'data analytics', 'data warehouse', 'data pipelines', 'data munging',
 'data preparation', 'data wrangling', 'data cleaning']

df_subset = df_skills[df_skills['skills'].isin(broad_skills)]
df_summary = df_subset.groupby('skills').agg(
    roles=('title', 'count'),
    min_salary=('salary', 'min'),
    max_salary=('salary', 'max'),
    avg_salary=('salary', 'mean'),
    median_salary=('salary', 'median'),
).sort_values(['roles', 'median_salary'], ascending=False)
roles min_salary max_salary avg_salary median_salary
data science 348 20000.0 150000.0 58828.077586 55000.0
data engineering 173 25000.0 150000.0 60221.410405 60000.0
data warehouse 51 28000.0 85000.0 57254.901961 55000.0
data pipelines 45 34000.0 110000.0 58851.200000 60000.0
data analytics 44 22000.0 120000.0 54500.000000 50000.0
data visualisation 32 25000.0 100000.0 42984.375000 45000.0
data preparation 1 65000.0 65000.0 65000.000000 65000.0
data wrangling 1 50000.0 50000.0 50000.000000 50000.0

Data engineering skills

Looking in detail at some of the data engineering specific skills, we can see that they tend to have higher average salaries than many of the purely data science skills. Average salaries by skill for most data engineering skills is £53K to £74K.

data_engineering_skills = ['spark', 'scala', 'kafka', 'kubernetes', 
'docker', 'aws', 'gcp', 'azure', 'nosql', 'hadoop', 'hive', 
'pig', 'flume', 'airflow', 'etl', 'data lake', 
'data warehouse', 'data pipelines']

df_subset = df_skills[df_skills['skills'].isin(data_engineering_skills)]
df_summary = df_subset.groupby('skills').agg(
    roles=('title', 'count'),
    min_salary=('salary', 'min'),
    max_salary=('salary', 'max'),
    avg_salary=('salary', 'mean'),
    median_salary=('salary', 'median'),
).sort_values(['roles', 'median_salary'], ascending=False)
roles min_salary max_salary avg_salary median_salary
aws 151 23000.0 150000.0 65152.317881 65000.0
azure 82 23000.0 125000.0 53826.268293 50000.0
spark 81 30000.0 125000.0 68774.740741 65000.0
gcp 54 25000.0 150000.0 63777.777778 65000.0
data warehouse 51 28000.0 85000.0 57254.901961 55000.0
data pipelines 45 34000.0 110000.0 58851.200000 60000.0
kafka 44 30000.0 125000.0 74035.227273 75000.0
docker 38 25000.0 125000.0 67315.789474 70000.0
airflow 36 50000.0 110000.0 68611.111111 70000.0
kubernetes 36 25000.0 125000.0 70416.666667 70000.0

Data science skills

There are more data science roles available than there are for data engineering roles and the spread of salaries is broader. The average salaries per skill for this subset range from ~£43K for data visualisation up to £71K for Pytorch roles - other deep learning specific roles tend to carry higher salaries too.

data_science_skills = ['python', 'r', 'machine learning', 'deep learning',
    'neural networks', 'tensorflow', 'pytorch', 'scikit-learn',
    'pandas', 'numpy', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'seaborn', 'plotly',
    'bokeh', 'd3', 'jupyter', 'jupyterlab', 'rstudio', 'tableau',
    'power bi', 'data visualisation', 'data analytics', 'data munging',
    'data preparation', 'data wrangling', 'data cleaning']

df_subset = df_skills[df_skills['skills'].isin(data_science_skills)]
df_summary = df_subset.groupby('skills').agg(
    roles=('title', 'count'),
    min_salary=('salary', 'min'),
    max_salary=('salary', 'max'),
    avg_salary=('salary', 'mean'),
    median_salary=('salary', 'median'),
).sort_values(['roles', 'median_salary'], ascending=False)
roles min_salary max_salary avg_salary median_salary
python 344 20000.0 150000.0 58382.267442 55000.0
r 117 20000.0 150000.0 51152.692308 45000.0
data analytics 44 22000.0 120000.0 54500.000000 50000.0
machine learning 42 32000.0 110000.0 62309.523810 60000.0
deep learning 35 32000.0 110000.0 66942.857143 65000.0
data visualisation 32 25000.0 100000.0 42984.375000 45000.0
tensorflow 17 40000.0 100000.0 68235.294118 70000.0
pytorch 10 45000.0 90000.0 71500.000000 70000.0
numpy 10 35000.0 70000.0 56000.000000 57500.0
pandas 8 35000.0 70000.0 50000.000000 47500.0

Matt Clarke, Friday, December 02, 2022

Matt Clarke Matt is an Ecommerce and Marketing Director who uses data science to help in his work. Matt has a Master's degree in Internet Retailing (plus two other Master's degrees in different fields) and specialises in the technical side of ecommerce and marketing.